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A Guide to The Best Patio Materials


Are you looking for a way to maximize your outdoor space? You can create an outdoor living space by installing a patio. A patio will provide a clean space in your yard where you can enjoy the outdoors throughout the year. It can be a great spot for entertaining guests too. Unlike decks, patios are often level to the ground. They also feature a wide variety of materials. If you’ve been searching for information on the ‘best material for a patio,’ read on. In this blog, we discuss different materials you can use for your patio and their characteristics. With this basic information, you can determine the best patio material for you.


Brick is a material that has been used in construction for thousands of years. Bricks come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. They are made from clay mixed with other materials. Therefore the characteristics of bricks will vary depending on the type of materials used to make the brick.

Bricks are quite versatile. They are a great way to add a rustic touch to your patio and landscape. You can use different colors and arrange them in different configurations to create unique patterns and different effects. Some of the most popular configurations for brick arrangements include running bond, jack-on-jack and herringbone.


This is a popular patio material choice. It is also available in a wide variety of colors and sizes. In many instances flagstone is supplied as large slabs that are about 1 to 3 inches thick. They come in irregular shapes and have a slightly roughened surface. They are therefore not slippery when wet.

There are different types of flagstone available. They include sandstone, quartzite, limestone and bluestone. Flagstone is a great choice for that rustic Mediterranean effect. Slabs that are thicker than 1 and ½ inches can be laid directly on soil or sand. Thinner slabs require wet concrete or mortar to prevent them from cracking.


Tile is a great way to add a decorative touch to your patio. Unglazed tile is the best material for a patio since it does not get slippery when it is wet. Many people use tile for decorative accents or on the edges of the patio. However, it can also be used to cover the whole patio.

Tiles come with a wide variety of patterns and are made from different materials. You can create different patio types by using different types of tile or combinations of tile. For example, terracotta tile is great for a rustic look. However, because it is porous, it should be used for mild climates. Porcelain is resistant and comes in a wide variety of colors. You can create just about any look. It is especially great for warmer climates.

Cut Stone

This is similar to flagstone. However, cut stone comes in regular shapes such as square or rectangular shapes. It is therefore easier to lay out. Cut stone features different types of materials including brick, granite, slate, limestone, bluestone and sandstone.

Loose Materials

Loose materials are fairly inexpensive and easy to work with. They include pea gravel, crushed stone, aggregate stone, rubber mulch, bark mulch, sand and decomposed granite. They are especially great for areas that experience long dry seasons. They are a great alternative to a grass lawn.

Mixed Materials

Mixed materials can help to create visual interest in your yard. The options for combining materials are endless. You can for example combine pea gravel with flagstone for a rustic look.

How Will a Patio Decorate Your Backyard?

A patio will help to provide you with an outdoor living space in your backyard. It will be a great place to entertain friends and family throughout the year. Patios can help increase the value of your property by extending the living space to the outdoors.

We can Help You Design Your Patio

Want to build a patio in your backyard? Get in touch with us, GMC Landscapes. We are experts in all different patio types. We will help you create a beautiful and functional space.

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